It is said that in 2025 our sun could reach the level of "solar maximum" and could seriously affect the earth through supermassive solar storms.
However, no one knows exactly the year when these supermassive solar eruptions will take place.
The first solar storm called "solar cycle 1" occurred between 1755-1766.The sun is currently at its 25th solar cycle that began in 2019.
Every 11 years, the sun passes from a solar minimum to a solar maximum, according to the researchers.Solar storms can disrupt communications, damage energy infrastructure, and,they can damage power poles as well as older power grids and railway lines,they can affect some living creatures and astronauts as well, and can seriously damage satellites that could crash into the planet.
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Aircraft passengers are not safe either, they can be hit by higher levels of radiation and these radiation can put health at risk but this is still not verifyed.
Geomagnetic storms can disrupt gray whales, turtles, or birds that rely on magnetic field lines to navigate.
Large storms can block the planet's connections to satellites and temporarily destroy radio and gps systems for up to half the planet.
Also, a solar storm will affect our daily lives and unfortunately we can not do much to protect ourselves.
However, such a storm will not destroy the earth, of course there will be major consequences, but it will not be able to destroy the earth, fortunately.