You're probably wondering if there really exist a bleeding tree.Well,yes and no...
In this article I present to you the tree "dragon blood tree" which is very rare and attracts many tourists every years.
The socotra dragon tree or dragon blood tree is a tree that is found in Yemen (on the African continent) and is considered the national tree of Yemen.
It can live up to 650 years and grow up to 12 meters.
The flowers of the tree are fragrant and appear quite early,in February and grow only at the end of the branches.After 5 months, its fruits appear that are fleshy and change their color,such as green, and black or red-orange.Fruits are often eaten by birds.
Why does he bleed when he's cut?
Well, it doesn't bleed, when it's cut, the tree secretes a red sap that looks like blood.
This sap has the role of covering wounds, but also to protect the tree from insect attacks.
The tree loves limestone soil and is found at heights between 300 and 1500 meters.It has the shape of an turned umbrella and the leaves are covered with wax.
In the past, its resin was used as an ingredient for paints, but it was also used in medicine, for respiratory problems, diarrhea, for treating ulcers and for throat or stomach infections.
Currently, the resin of the tree is still used as a paint for violins, an ingredient for colorants and a varnish for protective finishes.