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Unbelievable ! This woman walked 300.000 miles and make a world record

Writer: Alexandru Constantin AntohiAlexandru Constantin Antohi

Updated: Feb 22

Maria Crasmaru, a 73-year-old woman from Vetisoara, a village in Romania, entered in the Guinness World Records book for "the longest travel ever made".At the age of 48, the woman start on her journey around the world that durring 3 years and 5 months.

It crossed all 7 continents,visiting more than 120 countries, he felt the cold at -38 degrees Celsius in Antarctica, but he also traveled to the desert at temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius.

The woman broke another record from her journey, her passport having 154 pages and over 19 meters long, this record being written in the book of records.

Maria was inspired by another Romanian, Neculai Ghimpu who travel around the earth and visited 5 continents in 3 years and 15 days.

Photo : Mariea Crâșmaru

Mariea Crasmaru with a Romanian flag draped over their shoulders. Text reads "LA MULTI ANI! ROMANIA" means "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROMANIA" celebrating national pride.

Her journey was really beautiful, she was walking until evening then she took the bus or the train to the next big city.He cross between continents by plane or boat.

Late night he knock on the doors of strangers and ask them if he could sleep in their homes.

She said, "All people welcomed me with open arms, women were especially impressed by my courage and the immensity of the project".

Even though the woman was not rewarded for her performance, she said that she lived the most beautiful moments of her life in her journey around the world.

The woman said: "It have remained in my heart the meeting with the penguins on the island of Magdalena, in the Strait of Magellan, and then the visit to Incan Jerusalem, as I call it, Machu Pichu from Peru. These are two of the wonderful moments I have experienced. I've met personalities, special people many, far too many to list them all. Prince Raed ben Zaid, who I met at the palace, in addition to appreciating my brave project, offered me a gold watch with royal insignia, and the president of Argentina, he said, Carlos Saul Menem, offered me the opportunity to go to Antarctica with a Hercules C130“ military plane.

Here are some locations that the woman has traveled and liked very much :

Machu Picchu of Peru, Iguazu Waterfall on the border of Argentina with Brazil, Pyramids of Egypt, Itaipu Hydroelectric power station on the border of Brazil with Paraguay, Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, Taj Mahal in India, Petra in Jordan, Victoria Falls in Zambia, Alberto de Agostini National Park in the Strait of Magellan, Easter Island, Western Sahara, Geras in Jordan, Zambia, statues of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro and Cuba, Rome, Florence.


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