Tristan de Cunha is considered the most isolated island on earth.It is located in the South Atlantic Ocean, between Africa and South America.
The island is home to about 250 inhabitants.
The closest point to the island of Tristan of Cunha is Grytviken in the South Georgia Island and the Sandwich Islands, but also uninhabited.Grytviken is at 2618 Km/1626 Miles from the island of Tristan of Cunha.
So,the closest habitable point to this island remains South Africa at 2816 km /1749 miles.
Life on the island is not exactly pleasant because of the isolation and the resources that are also found quite difficult.
There is no electricity, but residents use diesel generators to generate the only power source.
It is also difficult to visi the island because doesn't have an airport, so if you want to visit this island,you have to travel by boat that will last quite a long time, seven days if you start from the nearest point, that is, South Africa.
Tristan da Cunha Island

You probably wonder how these people survive.Well, farming like potato growing, sheep and cows breeding, and fishing are their source of food.Of course, is coming,from time to time a ships with supplies for locals.The drinking water is taken from the springs at the edge of the mountain.They also have internet,police consisting of a local and 3 helpers and also have a small local hospital.
The island also holds rare bird species that are included in the UNESCO world heritage.
In 1961, a volcanic eruption caused the inhabitants of the area to be evacuated to England.But they did not adapt very well and returned back to the island,learn with their unique lifestyle,this of course after the island was again safe to live.