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Discover How This Drink Can Help Your Liver Function Properly

Writer: Alexandru Constantin AntohiAlexandru Constantin Antohi

Updated: Feb 22

The liver is a very important organ that has over 500 functions.Among them are filtration of toxins, regulation of chemical levels in the blood,it helps produce bile and the blood flow that leaves the stomach and intestines passes through the liver first.

That is why it is good to take care of our liver.

Poor nutrition or fast food, alcohol, cigarettes and so on will harm your liver.

Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar,how this drink can help your liver and how essential is for liver health.

Whether you drink lemon juice, lemon water or apple cider vinegar mixed with lemon water, these fruits improve the function of the liver and body.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C,flavonoids,keratinoid and other bioactive components that protect the liver.The lemon helps to destroy fats and helps with normal digestion.

Apple cider vinegar helps regulate pH levels that help detoxify, absorb nutrients and keep us healthy.

As Dr.Mandell says, the car's engine is similar with our liver.If the engine of a car does not receive oil or a part to the engine breaks, the car's engine,it will not work as well as a new one.So it is in the case of the liver.

Let's go back, the most important thing when we wake up is to hydrate and now I'll show you how you can do that.

Fill a glass with water,squeeze half a lemon and pour a little apple cider vinegar over.Mix and it is ready to consume.Drink on an empty belly at least 10 minutes before breakfast.

This drink can help your liver,will improve your liver health, maintain glucose and insulin at a normal level, and detoxify your body.


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