Greetings, in this article I will show you why the spoert is necessary in everyday life, what benefits it brings for our body and some sports with which you can start tomorrow.
This sport works the muscles of the whole body.People who do this sport usually have a good heart, strong lungs and a strong back.Swimming is often used for medical recovery.
It fights depression and reduces stress, oxygenates the brain,wet environment helps people with asthma,help for better sleep, prevents diabetes, can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and make your respiratory system strong.

This sport develops endurance,push the blood to moving and keeps the heart healthy.It also works the lower body and hips.It is good for the body's circulatory system.
Like swimming,it is a sport used for medical recovery.In addition to these benefits,cycling also combats cellulite,make your immune system stronger and also your lungs.
A study who was made by the University of Glasgow on 260,000 people showed that people who ride a bike a few miles/km daily can reduce the risk of cancer by half.

Running is a good workout for the cardiorespiratory system and works the leg muscles.
Also you will have healthier knees and joints, make your immune system stronger, offers you good sleep and oxygenates the brain.
But be careful where you run.Choose an environment such as parks or forests (but beware of wild animals).It is not recommended to run in urban areas where cars often run because of the car emission(pollution).

Tennis is one of the healthiest sports.
Burn calories, increase body strength,tonify muscles, form muscles, you can lose weight because of exertion.
Those who practice this sport have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease,so tennis is a beneficial sport for heart health.
Another advantage is that it helps to improve concentration,so if you have problems with concentration,this is a suitable sport.
