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A famous doctor has discovered how to fight against cancer

Writer: Alexandru Constantin AntohiAlexandru Constantin Antohi

Updated: Feb 23

Thomas Seyfried, a professor of biology at the University of Boston and renowned expert and researcher in the field of cancer metabolism and nutritional ketosis,talk in the video below about how you can fight and treat many types of cancer.

Tumors do not use oxygen to live, they use fermentation.

So, cancer cells use glucose and glutamine to grow.

Close-up of a red cancer cell with extensions on a textured bluish surface.

Without the "fuel" of fermentation,these cancer cells can not live.So, there are only two fermentable fuels (glucose and glutamine) and if you stop using these fermentable fuels,cancer cells will no longer be able to grow and die.

But if it is so simple, why does no one use this option?Because many people think that cancer is genetic, they don't wonder what keeps them alive...

But, let's go back to the above,without glutamine and glucose the cancer cells die.

But the problem is that the human body needs glutamine, an amino acid that is found throughout the body, and on the other hand cancer cells also need glutamine to grow.

Therefore, before removing glucose and glutamine,the patient must do therapeutic ketosis so as not to damage other parts of the body.

There are several steps to follow, you can not do this by yourself, fortunately there are clinics that can do this.

A ketogenic diet pyramid showing macronutrient distribution: 10% carbs, 20-30% protein, and 60-70% fats.

Another question : Why do African tribes, forest people, aborigines in Australia, why do they not have cancer?Simple, because the diet of these people is very weak in carbohydrates.Because of this their body does not produce much ketosis and blood glucose is small, so the body has extremely small chances to generate cancer cells.

Everything is about diet, obesity has come to outdo smoking in the risk of cancer.

Processed food is a factor that keeps cancer cells alive.Why?Because processed food (fast food)is high in glucose and sugar and have no nutritional value.Because of this occurs inflammation,type two diabetes,cardiovascular problems,etc.

The problem is that people choose to eat processed food faster because it is found at every street corner, it looks good and is delicious.

Foods and fruits low in blood sugar are recommended for a healthy lifestyle and prevent the appearance of cancer cells.

Also, to do sports for 60-80 minutes a day is an important factor for maintaining health.Swimming,cycling and other types of sports are recommended.

The whole process and the whole video in which the doctor talks about how to fight cancer and treat it, you can find it in the link below.

All good and thousands of thanks to Dr. Thomas Seyfried for this historic discovery.


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