I think it's not a man who hasn't struggled with the cold or flu, either in the winter when it's very cold or in the summer when you sweat and a cold stream can make you sick.
In addition to take antibiotics, today I will introduce you some tips that will put you on your feet and get rid of the cold and flu faster.
Rest is a key point to the cold,it is best to stay at home,do not unnecessarily tire your body because you will overload it and will not be able to fight so well with the disease.Also,you will not pass the virus on to the other people you come into contact with.
Drinking of liquids
Liquids are very important because the cold has dehydrated your body.
You can consume soups (you can also add pepper, chilli or garlic that helps to unclog the nose) , plain or sweetened tea with honey and a lot of lemon containing vitamin c(beneficial in case of colds).Water and natural juices are also a good choice.

It is not recommended to consume alcohol and cigarettes.Alcohol of any kind will delay the restoration of the body.Alcohol is dehydrating and can weaken the immune system, as it affects the good bacteria in the intestines, which in turn will, they can harm the immune system.And without a healthy immune system, the body will not be able to easily defeat the cold.
Smoking worsens the symptoms and irritates the throat.Lungs are already affected by the cold and smoking will irritate them worse.
Stress affects the immune system which will lead to a longer period of healing.It is recommended to do light physical activities,watching a movie and setting aside your phone because your eyes get tired and sometimes what you see in your phone (social media)can stress you out worse and also he won't let you rest.
Fresh air
It is good that when you wake up to open the windows and let the fresh air enter the room.Also, leave the rooms several times a day.Fresh air decreases the number of viruses and bacteria that are eliminated in the air every time you sneeze or cough.