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World News , you read ,we help

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Dec 19, 2024
Dandelion,the amazing plant that treats anemia,diabetes,depression
Dandelion is a yellow-flowered plant used in tea, food, tinctures or pills.It contains many vitamins and minerals such as A, C, K, E, B, iro

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Feb 4
You have sleep Problems?This plants will bring you a peaceful night's sleep
Lavender tea is a powerful "sedative".It can reduce anxiety and depression,it improves the quality of sleep and more.

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Feb 2
A famous doctor has discovered how to fight against cancer
Tumors do not use oxygen to live, they use fermentation.So, cancer cells use glucose and glutamine to grow.Without the "fuel"...

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Feb 1
These sports will improve your heart health
This sport works the muscles of the whole body.People who do this sport usually have a good heart, strong lungs and a strong back.

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Feb 2
Man who discovered the cure for this deadly disease
Diabetes, a very hard disease that until 1922 had no cure.Unfortunately it was a deadly disease.But what happened in 1922?

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Feb 2
The most toxic fruit in the world.Don't touch him
When you think of fruits, it will not cross your mind that they are dangerous.Fruits contain vitamins, fruits,minerals and keep us healthy.

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Dec 30, 2024
5 Tips to recover faster from flu and cold
I think it's not a man who hasn't struggled with the cold or flu, either in the winter when it's very cold or in the summer when you sweat a

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Jan 14
You depressed?Here's how you solve the problem
I know this is not a news story but I want to show you something. Read this article and I think you will feel better.Because I will explain.

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Jan 1
Best and simple ways to boost your immune system
The immune system is most important,if you do not have a good immune system, you will often fight with cold and bacterias.

Alexandru Constantin Antohi
Jan 2
Discover How This Drink Can Help Your Liver Function Properly
The liver is a very important organ that has over 500 functions.Among them are filtration of toxins,regulation of chemical levels in the...
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